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成都三十七中創(chuàng)新英語課堂 大力推進教育國際化

來源:四川教育新聞網(wǎng)  作者:賴波  瀏覽量:   發(fā)布時間:2017-06-29



2015年舉行了“走進同一課堂,共享中西文化”大型國際教育活動,與美國紐約坦布里克學院簽訂了友好協(xié)議,2017年4月,英語創(chuàng)新路演研討會在學校成功舉行,英國量子物理學家Ben Murdin 本.莫爾丁教授到學校講學。同時,通過國際交流,激發(fā)了學生出國留學的熱情與愿望。2016年馬國豪、楊姣、廖若雯等分別被澳大利亞悉尼大學、馬來西亞博特拉大學、加拿大西門弗雷澤大學錄取。EbT四川教育在線


關于這次英語創(chuàng)新路演研討會,外籍教師Marjorie 董曼珍有話說:EbT四川教育在線


Marjorie 董曼珍:EbT四川教育在線

The workshop at Chengdu No. 37 High School was very successful. In general, there was quite a range in English language abilities and confidence speaking among the student participants. However, it is clear that students were very willing to learn and venture outside their comfort zones to think critically and express their thoughts to the audience in English. Regardless of English ability, over the course of the day, all students seemed to gain confidence with the subject matter and expressing these ideas in English. After each small group discussion session, I made a point of calling on different students from each group to summarize their group’s discussion, thus giving every student an opportunity to participate.The presentations at the end were very impressive, especially because students only had little more than an hour to prepare after lunchtime. At the very beginning of the day, none of the students knew what a “pitch” was and there were many business terms that they had never been exposed to before. However, by the end of the workshop, the students were applying these terms in their own pitch presentations. The final presentations were not perfectly polished, however they showed a true understanding of the business models, target audience, and positioning of the companies being covered. The final presentations demonstrated true effort and understanding of the material on the part of the students, and they should all be proud of the final product.I truly enjoyed working with your school and students. I look forward to future collaboration!EbT四川教育在線





I still remember the wonderful time we spend with Marjorie.The international course she offered woke me up to the importance of teamwork,meanwhile,I have found my potential creativity during the process of speech preparation.I am very appreciate to Marjorie and her wonderful course.EbT四川教育在線

學生Teddy:今天對我來說是非常值得記憶的一天, 我能參加這個活動真的是太幸運了!我曾經(jīng)是很害羞的,而且不敢在別人面前說英語,可是今天,我挑戰(zhàn)了自己,非常感謝您!愛您!EbT四川教育在線

Today is a very memorable day for me. I thought I was so fortunate that I can join in this speech. I used to be very shy to speak English to others. So today I challenged myself. Thank you very much, and I really love you!EbT四川教育在線

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